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How to Keep Your Pets Safe During the Holidays


The holidays are a time for celebration, but they can also be a source of danger for our beloved pets. From decorations and holiday food to visitors in the home, there are many potential hazards that pet owners should be aware of to help keep their furry friends safe this holiday season. At Country Club Veterinary Clinic, we want you and your pet(s) to enjoy a joyous, healthy holiday. That’s why we’re sharing some tips on keeping your furry friend safe. Let’s take a look at some hazards you need to be on the lookout for as you navigate through the holidays. 

Holiday Decorations 

From trees and lights to tinsel and garland, there’s no shortage of decorations that can potentially be hazardous to your pet. Tinsel is particularly dangerous because it is easily swallowed by cats and dogs and can cause blockages in their digestive system, which can be life-threatening. Additionally, electric lights should never be left exposed because chewing on them could cause shock or burns. If you have an artificial tree, make sure it is firmly anchored so it won’t topple over if your pet attempts to climb it. Finally, candleholders should always be placed up high so that your pet cannot accidentally knock them over causing a fire hazard. 

Holiday Food 

We all know that giving human food to our pets can lead to serious health issues like pancreatitis so it’s important to watch out for any treats your guests may sneak them during holiday gatherings. Chocolate and macadamia nuts are especially toxic for animals, so make sure these two items don’t end up in your pet’s mouth. Also, keep an eye out for bones from poultry or other cooked meats as these can splinter when ingested and cause internal blockages or punctures. We encourage you to contact us right away if your pet eats something they shouldn’t and needs to see a veterinarian in the Lake Charles area. 

Visitors Coming To/Leaving Your Home 

Whether you are planning on hosting your entire family or just having friends over for dinner, it is important to ensure that your pet has its own safe space away from the hustle and bustle of visitors coming in and out of your home during the holidays. This will prevent your pet from getting overwhelmed by all the noise and commotion while also helping protect them from darting out an open door and getting lost. For those traveling with pets this holiday season, make sure you have updated contact information available in case you become separated from one another during travel arrangements or stops along the way.  We recommend having your pet microchipped, too. 

Closing Thoughts from Your Pet’s Lake Charles Veterinarian

The holidays provide us with ample opportunities for making happy memories with our family—furry family members included! By following some simple tips such as keeping decorations put away, not sharing human food with our pets, and providing them with their own safe space during large gatherings, we can ensure that our beloved companions stay healthy throughout this festive time of year! With these precautions taken into consideration, we wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season!


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Country Club Veterinary Clinic

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