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old pug dog with his owner

Specialized Senior Pet Care in Lake Charles

The veterinarians here at Country Club want to help older pets feel their best.

Typically, most dogs and cats are considered “seniors around 7 years of age. However, this may vary depending on their species, breed, size, environment, and health history. Larger breeds of dogs, for example, might be considered seniors a few years younger, while a house cat could reach that status a few years later. Exotic pets have many different lifespans, so we’ll talk with owners about when they can expect their pets to be considered seniors.

 Whether your companion has just entered their golden years or they have been there for a while, the veterinarians here at Country Club want to help older pets feel their best. We provide specialized senior pet care in Lake Charles and would be honored to be entrusted with your companion’s care. 
gray cat looking at the camera
white furry dogs at country club
old golden retriever dog lying down
paw print

Common Problems in Older Pets

As pets become older, they often begin to face different health challenges than in their younger years. This can come in the form of mobility problems from achy joints, diseases of the heart, liver, or kidney, and diabetes. Often, senior pets here in the Lake Charles and Sulphur area develop multiple medical conditions that we can successfully manage for years. Being proactive about your pet’s wellness care, including regular exams and preventative care, is especially important at this time in their lives. When you bring your companion in for exams every six months or so, we can detect health problems in their earliest stages and begin more effective treatments sooner.

During your senior pet’s visit, the veterinarian will take a look at them from nose to tail. This includes a dental exam to check for periodontal disease, which is common in older pets. We’ll make recommendations for vaccination boosters, parasite and heartworm preventatives, and diagnostic testing. During the appointment, we can discuss pain management, nutritional counseling, and any other lifestyle questions you may have regarding your pet. 

Please note that the exact services available to your pet vary depending on their species. We welcome dogs, cats, snakes, lizards, turtles, tortoises, rabbits, hamsters, ferrets, guinea pigs, rats, frogs, toads, salamanders, and newts and will work with you to ensure that, no matter what type of pet you have, they’ll be happy and comfortable in their later years.  

Senior Pet Care in Lake Charles

Country Club Veterinary Clinic provides senior pet care for dogs, cats, snakes, lizards, turtles, tortoises, rabbits, hamsters, ferrets, guinea pigs, rats, frogs, toads, salamanders, and newts in Lake Charles, Sulphur, Westlake, Iowa, Carlyss, Jennings, Orange, and the surrounding areas.
cute hamster with white background
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Request An Appointment Today

Contact us now to request an appointment for your pet today.

Country Club Veterinary Clinic

We offer services for cats and dogs as well as exotic veterinary care in Lake Charles and the surrounding areas.

Our Hours

Monday: 8am - 5pm
Tuesday: 8am- 5pm
Wednesday: 8am - 5pm
Thursday: 8am - 5pm
Friday: 8am - 5pm
Sat-Sun: Closed

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